Unlocking ESG for Boards: From Strategy to Disclosure

With the growing shareholder activism and increased scrutiny from the stakeholder community, organisations are pressed to firmly place ESG as a priority and long-term initiative on the board agenda. As a critical driver of financial growth and value, ESG provides a holistic view of the factors, impact, and efforts of organisations towards the environment, social, and governmental issues. In this webinar, we will explore how businesses and organisations can carry a full 360 approach to ESG, from integrating into business strategies, complying with regulations and standards, to measuring and reporting sustainability performance.

This webinar will examine:

A. The impact of ESG on Investing

  • Why is ESG investing vital for investors?
  • What are asset managers and investment companies looking for in organisations?

B. Integrating ESG into strategy

  • How can organisations put ESG into strategy and into their frameworks?

C. ESG Reporting/Disclosures

  • What are the key disclosures in sustainability reports?
  • How do the recent regulations and standards improve transparency and accountability in sustainability disclosures?
  • Will the new standards facilitate the move from voluntary to mandatory reporting?

D. ESG and Digitisation

  • What is the role of technology in ESG integration—in implementation and reporting on ESG efforts and performance?

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