Corporate Governance

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Code of Business Conduct

The Directors, officers and employees are required to observe and maintain high standards of integrity, as are in compliance with law and regulations and the Company’s policies.

Dealings in Securities

The Company has adopted an internal code of practice for securities transactions by all Directors, officers and employees of the Group in compliance with Rule 1207(19) of the Listing Manual of SGX-ST.

In compliance with the above-mentioned Rule, Directors, officers and employees of the Group have been advised not to trade in the listed securities of the Company when in possession of unpublished price-sensitive information or on short-term considerations. Directors, Officers and employees are also advised not to trade in the Company’s securities during the period commencing one month before the announcement of the Company’s half year and full year financial results and ending on the day of the announcement of the relevant results. All directors, officers and managers are required to file with the Company regular reports on all their dealings in the listed securities of the Group during the financial year.

Material Contracts

There were no material contracts (including loans) of the Company or its subsidiaries involving the interests of the CEO, directors or controlling shareholders, which subsisted at the end of the financial year or have been entered into since the end of the previous financial year.

Interested Person Transactions

The Group has adopted an internal policy in respect of any transactions with interested persons and established procedures for the review and approval of such transactions.

An interested person transactions will be properly documented and submitted to the AC for half-yearly review to ensure that they are carried out on an arm’s length basis, on normal commercial terms and will not be prejudicial to the interests of the Company and its minority shareholders.

The Group has not obtained a general mandate from shareholders for IPT.

Update on Sustainability Report

The Group recognises the importance of sustainability that creates long-term value to our stakeholders by embracing opportunities and managing risks derived from the environment, social developments and governance. The Group is committed towards implementing sustainable practices in order to achieve the right balance between the needs of the wider community and the requirements of stakeholders and business growth. The Group’s sustainability report will be prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards, Core Option and in line with the requirements of the SGX Listing Rules on sustainability reporting. The report will highlight the economic, environmental and social factors such as economic performance, environmental compliance, employment and training and education. The Company‘s Sustainability Report for FY2024 will be released by end of July 2024.

The Sustainability Report will be publicly accessible through the Company’s website as well as on SGXNet.