Convene at the MobileGov World Summit

May 11, 2017 – Convene attended the MobileGov Wold Summit and Global mobileGov Awards in Brighton, UK. This event promotes advances in the field where CIOs, CTOs, mGov employees, and other mobile ICT experts from around the world came together to share their expertise and discuss recent developments.

The show covered the following topics:
  • Central government services – mobile health, mobile education, mobile security, mobile payment and mobile ID, and so on.
  • Local public services – smart cities and mobile services to the citizens at the local level.
  • Mobile enterprise for the Public Sector, Flexible working, BYOD, and so on.
  • Emerging technology trends that have implications for mobile technology utilization in public sector including but not limited to IoT, 5G, Big/Open Data, Open Government, and so on.

Posted Under: Events