Study on Electronic Services Delivery for Works Projects for HONG KONG Environment, Transport and Works Bureau
The Electronic Services Delivery (ESD) Study for Works Projects is one of the key initiatives of the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau of the Hong Kong Government to enhance the efficiency of public works project delivery through the use of information technology and the adoption of electronic exchanges of project information.
Azeus formulated and finalized the ESD strategy, after consultation with the construction industry. The ESD Strategy would require a robust framework for fostering collaborative e-cultures in delivering works projects, promoting and facilitating the take-up of professional business orientated e-solutions, and creating a suitably conducive legal and commercial environment. On its implementation, the disparate IT initiatives of stakeholders could be coordinated and made into a unified effort. Investment would be best rewarded, if industry could together build an IT capability that incorporates the right technologies in the right way with apt enabling services in works projects delivery.